Anvil Firebase SDK is a wrapper for the Firebase Javascript V9 Library.

Getting started with Firebase for the web - Firebase Fundamentals

Dependency Link ⚙️

Copy this Third Party dependency token into your dependencies.


Note: Never depend on the development or published branch of the dependency, always use a fixed version. Before upgrading to another version test out the new dependency version in a testing environment. Its almost always best to use the latest version.

Live Example

Anvil Firebase Example

Clone Link:


Initialize App📱

  1. Got to and create a new project.
  2. Call this function to initialize your Firebase App (It is designed to expose those keys on the client side - you enforce securtiy via security rules on the backend)
from firebase.firebase_client import initialize_app

#you get this config dict from your firebase console -> settings-> my apps
project_config = {
      'apiKey': "",
      'authDomain': "",
      'projectId': "",
      'storageBucket': "",
      'messagingSenderId': "",
      'appId': "",
      'measurementId': ""

initialize_app(project_config )

Firebase Auth

Import the Authentication Package

from firebase.firebase_client import authentication